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Formula Mathematics Equation Mathematical Symbol Geometry Information Concept

Formula Mathematics Equation Mathematical Symbol Geometry Information Concept







Older Puzzles

October 24, 2016

Lies, Boolean logic and crime scenes: Chapter One

October 10, 2016

Checkmate! A mathematical solution to a life-or-death problem

September 26, 2016

Old friends and children – a matter of memories and maths

September 12, 2016

Will this maths puzzle give you a lightbulb moment?

August 29, 2016

Maths Puzzle: A woman, a plan, a race car – Panama!

August 15, 2016

Mirror, mirror, on the wall – to see all of me, you should be how tall?

August 01, 2016

Can you make this mad king’s toll add up?

July 18, 2016

When lockscreen hacks strike, maths can be the solution

July 04, 2016

Maths puzzle: How many minions does it take to rig an election?

June 20, 2016

Maths puzzle: Can you get your children in line using logic and maths?

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October 17, 2016

Maths Puzzle: Froggy went a-courting along a Hamiltonian path

October 03, 2016

Off with their heads! When armies get their maths wrong

September 19, 2016

Maths puzzle: Can you help this amnesiac get her memory back?

September 05, 2016

Could you pick a defect security robot out of a line-up?

August 22, 2016

Of Mice and Maths: A problem of early rodent education

August 08, 2016

Can you help this captain make their cargo shipshape?

July 25, 2016

Would you pass this tech interview test?

July 11, 2016

The Dead Mathematicians Society: help Newton and Boole solve a maths puzzle

June 28, 2016

Try your luck at this maths puzzle of good and evil

June 13, 2016

A bit of a grey and pink area… Can you solve this maths and logic puzzle?

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Maths Week 2015

October 16, 2015

Maths Week Challenge 5 – The Lightbulb

October 14, 2015

Maths Week Challenge 3 – The Spooky School

October 12, 2015

Maths Week Challenge 1 – The Quad

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October 15, 2015

Maths Week Challenge 4 – The Beehive

October 13, 2015

Maths Week Challenge 2 – King Rumbo

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Departmentof Mathematics & Statistics,

207, Logic House,

NUI Maynooth,

South Campus, Collegeland, Maynooth, Co. Kildare, Ireland

Poincaré Geometry background by Paul Nylander:

Dodecahedral background courtesy of American Mathematical Society:

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