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14-18 years

Maths Enrichment Programmes

 A free weekly programme for TY and  LC students cultivating a love for maths  through more challenging problems than are  on the school syllabus. Most participants have  attended the junior programme or done  well in IrMO Round 1, but others are  welcome. Classes are in UCC, UL, NUIG, NUIM &  UCD:

Irish Maths Olympiad (IrMO)

 A national mathematics contest, consisting of  Round 1 and the Final Round. Results of the  IrMO are used to identify a team of up to six  students who will represent Ireland in the IMO. Training for the IrMO occurs at enrichment classes, and so most Final Round participants are attendees; all secondary school students are welcome however, for more information see

International Maths Olympiad (IMO)

 The most prestigious international maths  competition for secondary school students,  consisting of two papers of three problems  each. IMO is held in a different country each  year- in 2016, it was Hong Kong, while 2017  was in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Ireland sends the six  students with top results in IrMO to compete. or

European Girls' Maths Olympiad (EGMO)

 The EGMO is an international maths  competition (similar to the IMO), aimed at  encouraging girls with mathematical ability to  develop their talents. Ireland sends a team of  four school-age girls each year, and has had  growing success of late:

12-14 years

Junior Maths Enrichment Programme

 A free weekly programme for 2nd/3rd year  students bringing them closer to the creative side of maths through groupwork and fun exercises. All students are welcome. Classes are currently held in UCC but are being rolled out to UL, NUIG, NUIM & UCD.

Junior Irish Mathematical Olympiad

 A competition for junior students available in schools across the country. Teachers can use the results to decide on whom to invite to take part in Junior Mathematics Enrichment classes. 

10-12 years

Maths Circles

 Lunchtime or after-school clubs for primary (5th/6th class) and Junior cycle students run by teachers with university volunteer support.   Here, fun and creative exercises are done in a relaxed, informal atmosphere. Most of the 60 schools with Circles are in Co. Cork, but we're currently expanding the project. For lesson plans and more see

7-10 years

Please visit our PUBLIC and Resources pages for ideas on how to engage young children in stimulating Mathematical activities. 

School children of all ages

Mathematicians in Our Lives

Have you ever wondered what life would be like without cell-phones, computers, smoothly moving airplanes and CGI in movies and computer games? You may have never known these, had it not been for two Mathematicians who lived and worked in Ireland around the same time: George Boole (1815–64)  and William Rowan Hamilton (1805–65) .

 Mathematics was a joy and a game for these two. To celebrate their contributions, and get you familiar with their mathematics, we have also employed puzzles and games.  Visit our dedicated pages for Mathematicians in Our Lives; and invite your teacher to register for dedicated classroom materials.

                                          Boole2School  and  Hamilton2 ... The legend continues...

This Could Be You

Through this scheme our alumni and volunteers from all walks of life, from college students and researchers to industry professionals, visit schools for a short talk and question and answer session on how they ended up learning mathematics and how they use it. We hope that these talks will encourage good study practice and help students gain resilience and self-confidence by showing that one doesn’t have to be a “born genius” to be good at mathematics.



Formula Mathematics Equation Mathematical Symbol Geometry Information Concept

Formula Mathematics Equation Mathematical Symbol Geometry Information Concept







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Icosahedral honeycomb background by Claudio Rocchini:

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Tel: 021-420-5852



Departmentof Mathematics & Statistics,

207, Logic House,

NUI Maynooth,

South Campus, Collegeland, Maynooth, Co. Kildare, Ireland

Poincaré Geometry background by Paul Nylander:

Dodecahedral background courtesy of American Mathematical Society:

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