The Irish Mathematical Trust
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Support IMT activites.
The Irish Mathematical Trust (IMT) is a registered charity. All the core activities are undertaken by volunteer mathematicians on a pro bono basis. To insure equal opportunity of participation, all our activities are free of charge for students. However, for the organization, there are some costs involved. If you would like to make a donation in support of our activities, or would like to arrange a sponsorship agreement between your company and the IMT, please contact us at irishmathstrust@gmail.com.
Your donation can help with one or more of these:
To support the formation of Maths Circles in schools nationwide, and the roll out of the Junior Mathematics Enrichment with the help of our college student volunteers whom we indemnify at a modest cost of EU 2.00 per child taught per hour.
To buy prizes for top performers in our local and national Olympiads, as well as students participating in contests within the Mathematics and Junior Mathematics Enrichment programmes. .
To support the participation of Ireland at the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO). This involves sending a team of 6 students, a Team Leader and a Deputy Leader to the host country of IMO.
To support the participation of Ireland in the European Girls’ Mathematical Olympiad (EGMO).
To offer a wider range of mathematics training camps.
To support the delivery of the national PRISM maths contest.
To maintain our websites.
Are you a university student or professional who uses mathematics in your daily work? Would you be willing to give 15-30 minutes of your time to help inspire the next generation of thinkers?
The event series This Could be You will bring you face to face with school children from all social and economical backgrounds for some honest, fun and irreverent discussions on comfortable and some not so comfortable truths about mathematics. Register here and we will put you in contact with a school in your area, and also send you a list of questions that the children in that school had to ask. You can then arrange to visit the school at a time suitable to you, or send us your short video response that the school will then play in their own time. Click here to find out more about this scheme.
We are always looking for volunteers to help us run our co and extra-curricular classes. Due to generous sponsorship by SFI Discover, we are currently able to offer a modest stipend to university students working with our programmes. We will also provide volunteer training.
- Maths Circles - you can help Maths teachers in primary and secondary schools run lunch-time or after-school problem solving clubs using our resources. You can find here information on how Maths Circles are run.
To get started: Get in contact with a teacher in a local school to offer your services in helping set up a Maths Circle, and/or contact the Maths Circles team to find out where tutors are needed.
- Junior Mathematics Enrichment and Mathematics Enrichment - you can help out IMT members run Saturday or Thursday evening classes in UCC, UCD, Limerick University/MIC, NUI Galway, Maynooth University.
To get started, contact the organizers of nearest Mathematics Enrichment centre, which you can find here.
- IMO training - mathematicians and past IMO participants: you can help us run Olympiad training camps in August (UCC), March-April (UCC, UCD), June (MIC), July (UCC) - and enjoy the fruits of your work by following the performance of team Ireland at the most recent IMO and EGMO competitions.
To get started, contact the IMT secretary or the leader/deputy of the IMO team at the time of your participation.
- TY Work Experience - you can act as mentor in one or more of the Teacher Workshops which we run as part of the TY Work Experience for 16 year olds. Upon completion of the workshops, the participants should be able to teach/assist with teaching maths circles (or junior maths enrichment) for their younger schoolmates. We will give each team of workshop participants a short lesson to practice teaching, and your role will be to give them feedback in the form of 3 positive comments about their lesson and 3 suggestions for improvement, while also encouraging the audience to engage in the feedback.
To get started: A workshop will run in UCC in late January. Contact Anca Mustata for information.
Important Child Protection Information: before you start working with children in any school in Ireland, you will need to apply for Gardai Vetting with the sponsorship (support) of the respective school. The process is pretty straight-forward and efficient, but you do need to discuss this with the school in advance. This also applies to classes taught in universities. See our information on Gardai Vetting on the FAQ page.
The Award for Irish Teachers of Mathematics
The effectiveness of your teacher is often the most important factor determining your appreciation for Mathematics. Celebrate the teaching profession by nominating an especially inspiring and effective teacher for the Award for Irish Teachers of Mathematics. The teacher and school will receive a Thank You poster. An award of €10,000 is reserved for the winner of the competition. Visit the Award page for more information.
30 years of Irish participation at the International Mathematical Olympiad
Ireland first competed in the International Mathematical Olympiad in July 1988. Fittingly, the 30th anniversary participation, at Rio de Janeiro IMO 2017, was a team success: all team members won awards, including two bronze medals. We plan to celebrate 30 years of participation by a gathering of IMO team alumni from 1988-2017, as well as trainers, leaders, deputies and maths teachers. The event will take place in April 2018. Please use this form to confirm your interest and let us know when you are available.
Mathematicians in Our Lives
Celebrate the contributions of some great Mathematicians who have lived and worked in Ireland through staging an event based on our series Mathematicians in Our Lives. We begin with an excursion into the history of Irish mathematicians with the revival of the extremely successful UCC based Boole2School initiative; however this time, Boole is joined by another. Continuing the legacy, we have William Rowan Hamilton in our ongoing series “Mathematicians in our Lives”. More information here.