The Irish Mathematical Trust
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Award for Irish Teachers of Mathematics

Registration for the 2023-2024 edition is now open until 26th April 2024.
How to Register
Welcome! Please take a tour of our Award for Irish Teachers of Mathematics pages.
We are trying to capture a cross-section of the large variety of contributions to schools,
students and community by outstanding teachers of Mathematics in Ireland.
If you have been teaching Mathematics in an Irish secondary school for at least two years,
then you might like to register:
Please take a minute to read the Registration Guide.
Then complete the Teacher's Registration form. Registration closes in early February.
If you haven't been notified of a nomination, then please ask a referee
(your school principal, vice-principal, colleagues or teachers' association members)
to fill in the online referee form on the Nomination page. ​
What's Next?
Once the registration dead-line has passed, the selection committee will examine
both the registration and the referee forms and select a short-list of teachers
who will be invited to participate in Stage 2 of the Award.
This will be a more ample evidence gathering process and may involve​
A detailed reference letter filled in by the school principal, and a 2nd from a colleague or past pupil. You can download the required reference form as a Word document or as a PDF file.
A CV including Academic Qualifications.
The compilation of a Teaching Portfolio. This will include a detailed lesson plan and evidence of the activities/accomplishments reported at the registration stage.
Teaching Portfolio
A Teaching Portfolio is a chance for you to showcase your most successful teaching strategies and activities, and to share your ideas, materials and resources with other teachers in a format that makes it easy for others to try them out.​
Do not wait for an invitation -- we recommend starting to gather material for your portfolio well in advance. Even for those teachers whose entries will not progress to the 2nd stage this year, their preparation work will be very useful in a number of way:
Will provide well organized material ready to be used for teaching in future years.
You will be able to share this material online and/or use it to mentor other teachers.
It will provide a good basis for future participation in this Award.
To prepare a Teaching Portfolio, you may start at any time to collect your teaching notes,
materials, assessment samples etc and organize them in a special folder. We recommend
that you scan or photocopy samples of your best work and post them on community pages
like ours, the IMTAs and others.
Reflect on the main issues related to the teaching of Mathematics, select the material that
best reflects them, and add your written comments and ideas. You may read our guide for
ideas on topics you might choose to cover. You may also find our Resource page useful.
Selection Criteria
We are looking for teachers of Mathematics who
• Employ a wide range of teaching and assessment strategies which result in increased student appreciation and understanding of Mathematics.
In particular, we will look at how the teachers combine various types of lesson content, teaching methods and feedback mechanisms to inspire, improve performance, foster independent thinking, and challenge their students.
•Actively monitor the experience and progress of each student, and provide individually tailored support to students to help each maximize their potential.
In particular, we will look at how teachers help students overcome difficulties due to socio-economic background or other factors; provide enrichment activities beyond the call of the timetable; and make good use of outside resources to help enhance the students’ experience with Mathematics.
•Are experts in their subject and always seek self-improvement and professional development, actively collaborate and share with colleagues.
In particular, we will look at how teachers keep abreast and adapt to changes in the Mathematics curriculum;
maintain an awareness of main themes/developments in Mathematics and convey this wider perspective to students; by which means they exchange ideas, materials and methods with other colleagues.
•Engage others in supporting students’ development, including colleagues, parents and other professionals. Actively participate in and contribute to Mathematics education-related bodies or organisations.
In particular, we will look at how teachers show initiative and coordinate with colleagues for the benefit of students/school; how they express and share their Mathematical creativity with the wider community; how they contribute to the work of Mathematics education bodies and organisations.