Fightin' Away The Tears
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\"We shall fight on the beaches\" is a common title given to a speech delivered by the British Prime Minister Winston Churchill to the House of Commons of the Parliament of the United Kingdom on 4 June 1940. This was the second of three major speeches given around the period of the Battle of France; the others are the \"Blood, toil, tears and sweat\" speech of 13 May 1940, and the \"This was their finest hour\" speech of 18 June 1940. Events developed dramatically over the five-week period, and although broadly similar in themes, each speech addressed a different military and diplomatic context.
Turning once again, and this time more generally, to the question of invasion, I would observe that there has never been a period in all these long centuries of which we boast when an absolute guarantee against invasion, still less against serious raids, could have been given to our people. In the days of Napoleon, of which I was speaking just now, the same wind which would have carried his transports across the Channel might have driven away the blockading fleet. There was always the chance, and it is that chance which has excited and befooled the imaginations of many Continental tyrants. Many are the tales that are told. We are assured that novel methods will be adopted, and when we see the originality of malice, the ingenuity of aggression, which our enemy displays, we may certainly prepare ourselves for every kind of novel stratagem and every kind of brutal and treacherous manœuvre. I think that no idea is so outlandish that it should not be considered and viewed with a searching, but at the same time, I hope, with a steady eye. We must never forget the solid assurances of sea power and those which belong to air power if it can be locally exercised.
Unlike his subsequent This was their finest hour speech, Churchill's 4 June speech in the House of Commons was not repeated by him as a live radio broadcast that evening. Rather, as with his earlier Blood, toil, tears and sweat speech, extracts were read by the newsreader on that evening's BBC news broadcast.[17][18] They made a great impression on Vita Sackville-West:
Jon Jones was just 23 years old when he became light heavyweight champion in 2011, making him the youngest belt holder in UFC history. He looked unbeatable and the sky was the limit, it seemed. But it has been a bumpy road for \"Jonny Bones\" ever since, with a mixture of breathtaking victories and issues away from the Octagon.
May 21, 2020: After tweeting that \"the UFC was unwilling to pay more for the Francis super fight,\" Jones hints that he is walking away from the sport: \"It's been fun you guys, maybe I'll see you all in a year or two.\"
\"My anxiety is crippling, but I can't run away from it,\" Roxanne confessed, fighting away tears. \"I have to confront it, and the only way that I can do that is by facing it head-on. The only way that I can win this battle is by climbing that ladder and retrieving my title, the title that I never lost. So please, please let me do this. Please let me do this for me and for everyone out there who struggles with what I struggle with.\"
Players can use spells and incantations to cheese Elden Beast from afar or up close. Players can choose to spam their sorceries from afar while the Mimic Tear is drawing aggro a distance away, or they can use the method of confusing the Elden Beast while spamming Elden Ring's sorceries. Either way, the best spells and incantations to use are the immensely damaging ones such as Pest Threads and Meteorite of Astel.
\"I'd best get inside to tell the good Friar of the fish afore Mirkgum and his leverets get to it and put away with it.\"Folgrit muttered to himself as he strode down the path that led to the main abbey building.
Pufftail smiled. He loved it whenever any horde vermin fell on the slick mountain, due to the punishments he could award them with. He now chose to give lashings to a weasel who had slipped, also bringing down an unfortunate fox, who, was going to be whipped for not being more alert in letting a weasel trip him. As he raised his whip to srike, he heard three hisses and three thuds. He couldn't believe his eyes when the two vermin whom he was about to punish and one from the ranks who had been watching lay dead, all transfixed by blue shafted longbow arrows. Pufftail sprinted to to ranks and yelled,\"Attack on the eastern side! Archers, longbow archers to be precise, but they can't reload fast enough to take us out! Charge! Rackatunggggggg!\"He was right. Thirty more beasts were injured or slain in the initial charge, but a group of foxes pushed out far beyond the main group, hoping to thwart this unknown enemy when all the arrows ceased. They didn't notice. The group of eight lunged over a rise and beheld ten hares desparately fighting against eighty wolves, both shouting warcries left and right trying to get at each other through a thick double line of spears, one layer at waist height and the other at the knees. one old hare still tried to go umder the lower set, but didn't make it. Then the hares saw the foxes dyed red on the rise and knew they'd go down fighting. Then they realized they were hares. They leapt up and over the wall of spears, swinging dirks and kicking out wildly with long, powerful hindlegs, fighting to get away to where ever their tribe was. Once five of the hares breached the outside group, they galloped off to the south. Four of the other five wre dead and one was unconcsious. Pufftail and a relatively small section of the gigantic horde arrived at the top just then.
Mirkgum wandered away from Caroline as soon as they reached the abbey grounds, heading towards the strawberry fields, where a group of Redwallers were finishing the harvest. \"Hold on now,\"Caroline said, grabbing Mirkgum's shoulder and levering him around. \"Where do you think you're going The fields Abbot Sazas banned you from that place for attempting to devour half the harvest!\"
Foremole and Cellarhog Brigflag (who was actually an otter) were leading a small party of dibbuns through Mossflower to find additionally raspberries for the Friar's cake. Sably and Flapp were \"quietly\" sneaking away from the group, their baskets half full with raspberries and several dark green leaves.
Foremole and Brigflag knew full well what was going on, easily hearing the babe's conversation. They went on with their work until the cellarhog could see in his peripheral vision that the two had hidden, then he winked at Foremole. They both called a huddle for a head count, snickering that the \"escaped\" dibbuns thought themselves the wiser. While the two adults were counting however, Flapp and Sably both crept farther away from the group and broke free of the pathside bushes. Foremole pretended to be horrified at the two dibbuns when the tally showed them to be missing.
\"Now go to sleep, Prickle, you need the rest.\" Barkback the Avenger said as he gently closed the door. \"Now to ask for the general and brigadiers to meet with me.\" He marched away with purpose in his large stride, towards the mess hall.
Flapp and Sably enjoyed their sense of freedom, until, that is, night. A gale force wind swept through the night, whirling in between the leaves of trees and knocking what ones hadn't already fallen down. Add this to thinner tree's moaning and the flat out howl of the wind, and you'd have been in a very bone-chilling atmosphere. Sably had never been a bad Dibbun, and even this hadn't been of her making, and the true orchestrator, Flapp, was very much regretting her seemingly thought through plan. The hedgehog babe became utterly miserable when a heavy hail began pelting her and Sably. They rushed around in circles and bumped into a solid, enormous oak. They heard a creaking sound as a gap swung open. hey did not know it then, but they had uncovered the again abandoned Brockhall. Had the two any sense, they would have lept inside and shut the door, but they did not. In fact, Sably didn't get up right away, and Flapp wandered slowly off calling out for Sably. She blundered away from he unconscious Sably and then, justas hints seemed to not be able to get any worse, the hail came down so hard that had Sably been awake, she would not have seen Brockhall three feet (one meter) in front of her. Flapp fell over, disoriented by the new loss of sight, the howling wind, and the loss of her tiny friend, Sably. She felt her smock and found it torn and ruined by lashing branches and small bushes. She slowly got back up, and began in a new direction, setting her farther and farther away from the other Dibbun. She began to sob, a high-pitched sob with no tears.
Rackaung spied the two runners sprinting towards them from far away, kicking up a minor dust cloud as they forged on. He turned to Ratal and said,\"So Ratal, are those the two you sent out yesterday\"
Rackatung and his massive horde had arrived! The small area Setith and Zane had used the day before was now an area of trampled grass. The mountain was clear against the noonday sky, and Rackatung could even make out a hare or to pulling in a small amount of crops that had fully grown a week or two early. He looked at the place with the eye of a warrior, estimating distances and judging the defenses of the place. He was almost certain that there would be traps along the way, probably in the last hundred meters of beach or so. He also knew any military commander in this situation would make his men mass produce arrows and other missile weapons. He made a mental note to tell the vanguard to make large shields for the attack. Rackatung walked over to a log twenty foxes were attempting to move to make a basis for the command tent, which needed to be very large because of Rackatung's enormous size. He put one large paw around half of the trunk and easily hefted it onto his armored shoulder. He carried it over to the spot where the tent would be located, a glade behind the nearby forest. He saw hundreds of tents up and going up, and also vermin hours away, so vast were his forces. A third had made ships halfway down the coast and would arrive within the day. His bird, Corvidaen, was flying all around the countryside rounding up troops, anything from crows to snakes to newts or magpies. Rackatung had decided to send out three hundred stoats and two hundred ferrets to see what they could round up from the countryside in the way of supplies, or more troops. He saw Pufftail coming up, not panting though,\"Must have been the stroll down the countryside\" Rackatung thought. 59ce067264